Resource Category: Data tools

Legal Needs Dashboard – Community Profiles (2023)

A tool to explore data in relation to those in the community who are most vulnerable to the experience, or the impact, of legal problems. Use this resource to compile a profile for a geographic area, and analyse the relative distribution of specific community groups to inform an assessment of potential legal needs.


This dashboard replaces the Foundation's National Legal Needs dashboard with more recent data, a streamlined interface, and improved overall performance.


Access the dashboard.

Data sources: ABS 2021 Census, Social Services 2023, BOCSAR 2022-23, NDIS 2023

CLSD Data Packs (2023)

Designed in collaboration with the Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) unit at Legal Aid NSW, these slides present data for each of the twelve (12) CLSD regions to help inform collaborative service planning at the local level. Data is presented through maps and tables and includes counts of general population, NLAS indicators, specific priority community groups, and SEIFA. Data Packs have been updated with 2021 Census data.

Using census data to locate priority client groups - 2021 Census update (2022)

A downloadable Excel spreadsheet providing easy access to the 2021 Census data on community groups relevant to the sector, including NLAP priority client groups.

Download the Excel spreadsheet.

Sample Size Selector (2022)

A quick and easy to use tool to get estimate an ideal survey sample size based on 5 parameters.

Indicators of legal needs - data update (2021)

An update of several indicators of potential legal needs, with new family violence indicators and more recent data from BOCSAR and Social Services (based on 2016 Census). Download Excel spreadsheet

Criminal Finalisations Dashboard (2021)

An interactive tool that maps and analyses trends in counts of criminal finalisations across all court locations in NSW. The dashboard uses criminal finalisations data from BOCSAR as a proxy indicator of potential demand for legal assistance in court settings.

National Legal Needs Dashboard (2021)

An interactive data tool that helps identifying potential legal need through a series of indicators and at various levels of geography.

Legal needs assessment tool - Victoria (2019)

EXTERNAL - A dashboard by Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) that provides a range of relevant indicators of potential legal needs by LGAs in Victoria. Access the public dashboard


2018 Collaborative Planning Resource

The 2018 Collaborative Planning Resource (CPR) is an online data tool to interrogate Need for Legal Assistance Services (NLAS) indicators, population data and priority groups data.

⇒  Access the 2018 CPR from the Foundation's Tableau Public page (choose from 1 of 7 dashboards depending on indicators and geography).

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