Resource Category: Legal issues

Employment-related problems and enquiries to legal assistances services in NSW (2020)

This paper contrasts the profile of clients in service data with that from a legal needs survey on the subject of employment, to provide further insight into who is accessing legal assistance services specifically for employment problems.  (Data Insights in Justice 1)

Housing-related problems and enquiries to legal assistance services in NSW (2020)

This paper contrasts the profile of clients in service data with that from a legal needs survey on the subject of housing, to provide further insight into who is accessing legal assistance services specifically for housing problems.  (Data Insights in Justice 2)

Quantifying the legal and broader life impacts of domestic and family violence (2019)

This paper uses Legal Australia-Wide Suvey data to compare respondents who had experienced domestic and family violence (DFV) in the previous 12 months with other respondents on variables such as vulnerability to different types of legal probelms, severity and consequences of legal problems, actions in responses to legal problems, and finalisation and outcomes of legal problems. (Justice Issues 32)

Legal Aid NSW Domestic Violence Unit: process evaluation of the first nine months (2018)

This publication presents the findings of a process evaluation of the Domestic Violence Unit's first nine months of operation.  It examines its early implementation to inform any refinements required to improve its operation. The report also includes the program logic for this program and a broad evaluation framework.

Personal injury problems: new insights from the LAW Survey (2017)

This paper uses data from the Legal Australia-Wide Survey to examine four different types of personal injury problems that are likely to have legal aspects - problems associated with motor vehicle injury, work-related injury, product injury and injury due to other negligence. (Justice Issues 22). See also the short working paper The nature of personal injury - A working paper (2015) (Updating Justice 50)

Are renters worse off? The legal needs of public and private tenants (2014)

This paper uses Legal Australia-Wide Survey data to address the legal needs of renters in Australia. It explores the legal needs of people who live in rented accomodation and compares the experience of public renters, private renters and non-renters on a range of experiences.  (Updating Justice 40)

Legal needs of unemployed people in Australia (2013)

This short paper summarises findings from the Legal Australia-Wide Survey of a link between employment status and vulnerability to legal problems. (Updating Justice 20)

Home is where the heart of legal need is: a working paper on homelessness, disadvantaged housing and the experience of legal problems (2013)

Legal Australia-Wide Survey data is used to examine the experience of legal problems for three groups; homeless people, people who had lived in other types of disadvantaged housing, other people who had not experienced disadvantaged housing circumstances. (Updating Justice 23)

No home, no justice? The legal needs of homeless people (2005)

This monograph is part of the Access to Justice and Legal Needs series. It explores the legal needs of homeless people and is based on a review of existing literature and consultations with legal and non-legal services providers, and homeless people themselves.

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