Resource Category: Legal Need Research

Sample Size Selector (2022)

A quick and easy to use tool to get estimate an ideal survey sample size based on 5 parameters.

Indicators of legal needs - data update (2021)

An update of several indicators of potential legal needs, with new family violence indicators and more recent data from BOCSAR and Social Services (based on 2016 Census). Download Excel spreadsheet

An Assessment of Legal Needs in NSW (2021)

This report synthesises what is known from legal needs research and uses relevant data indicators by priority groups to better understand legal needs in NSW. This reports is based on 2016 Census data, ABS 2021 population estimates, 2020-21 BOCSAR crime data, 2021 NDIS data, 2020 Criminal Court data.

Criminal Finalisations Dashboard (2021)

An interactive tool that maps and analyses trends in counts of criminal finalisations across all court locations in NSW. The dashboard uses criminal finalisations data from BOCSAR as a proxy indicator of potential demand for legal assistance in court settings.

National Legal Needs Dashboard (2021)

An interactive data tool that helps identifying potential legal need through a series of indicators and at various levels of geography.

Estimating legal needs for planning and reporting purposes (2021)

VIDEO - A short video highlighting some key points to consider when undertaking a legal needs assessment to inform your service planning strategy.

An indicator of need for community legal centres: introducing NLAS(CLC) (2019)

The NLAS(CLC) indicator extends the original set of indicators and was designed to inform a legal analysis conducted in the context of the new application-based funding model for Community Legal Centres (CLCs). (Justice Issues 29)

OECD Legal Needs Surveys and Access to Justice (2019)

EXTERNAL - This report offers an empirical tool to help planners, statisticians, policy makers and advocates understand people's everyday legal problems and experience with the justice system. It sets out a framework for the conceptualisation, implementation and analysis of legal needs surveys.

Conducting legal needs survey in the Australian context: challenges and options (2019)

Much has changed since the LAW Survey was conducted in 2008, including population growth and a digital transformation. Time for a new survey? A regular assessment of legal needs is needed to ensure policy and service delivery is most effectively targeted and makes best use of available resources.

View PDF (Justice Issues 31)

Legal needs assessment tool - Victoria (2019)

EXTERNAL - A dashboard by Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) that provides a range of relevant indicators of potential legal needs by LGAs in Victoria. Access the public dashboard


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