Resource Category: Legal Need Research

Evidence and analysis of legal need in Queensland (2019)

EXTERNAL - This resource, from Community Legal Centres Queensland, was designed to support the 2019 procurement process for CLCs in Queensland.

2018 Collaborative Planning Resource

The 2018 Collaborative Planning Resource (CPR) is an online data tool to interrogate Need for Legal Assistance Services (NLAS) indicators, population data and priority groups data.

⇒  Access the 2018 CPR from the Foundation's Tableau Public page (choose from 1 of 7 dashboards depending on indicators and geography).

Locating demand: updating the Need for Legal Assistance Services indicators (2018)

Revisions to the 2015 Need for Legal Assistance Services (NLAS) indicators following the release of the 2016 Census data. (Justice Issues 28)

Evidence of legal need in NSW to support the Cameron Review implementation (2018)

This Foundation's report provides evidence of legal need in NSW. Data is provided by priority groups and by catchment regions, it is largely based on 2016 Census data.

Need for legal assistance services: developing a measure for Australia (2017)

This short paper describes how the Foundation developed the Need for Legal Assistance (NLAS) indicators which uses census data to assess potential demand by geographic location. (Justice Issues 26).

Planning legal assistance services by area: is SEIFA the answer? (2015)

Using Legal Australia-Wide Survey data, this paper outlines the nature and strength of the relationship between SEIFA and legal problems by examining whether or not area-level disadvantage can be used to identify people who have high legal need.  (Updating Justice 46)

Collaborative Planning Resource - Service Planning (2015)

Developed in support of the 2015 National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services (NPA) between the Commonwealth of Australia and the states/territories, this report brings together information on service design and data to support planning and monitoring of legal assistance services.

Adverse consequences of legal problems in Australia (2012)

This short paper presents findings from the Legal Australia-Wide Survey which examines adverse consequences that legal problems can have on a range of health, social, and financial circumstances. (Updating Justice 2).

Prevalence of legal problems in Australia (2012)

This short paper summarises findings from the Legal Australia-Wide Survey concerning the prevalence of legal problems in Australia. (Updating Justice 1)

Legal Australia-Wide Survey: Legal need in Australia (2012)

There are several reports within the LAW Survey Group.

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