This latest addition to the suite of NLAS indicators is intended to support legal assistance service providers in identifying geographic areas where there is potential demand for translator and interpreter services.
This latest addition to the suite of NLAS indicators is intended to support legal assistance service providers in identifying geographic areas where there is potential demand for translator and interpreter services.
EXTERNAL - This report is the second of three volumes from the PULS, and explores the concept of legal capability.
Visit the PULS website to find out more.
A tool to explore data in relation to those in the community who are most vulnerable to the experience, or the impact, of legal problems. Use this resource to compile a profile for a geographic area, and analyse the relative distribution of specific community groups to inform an assessment of potential legal needs.
This dashboard replaces the Foundation's National Legal Needs dashboard with more recent data, a streamlined interface, and improved overall performance.
Data sources: ABS 2021 Census, Social Services 2023, BOCSAR 2022-23, NDIS 2023
A regional breakdown of data indicators for selected vulnerable community groups presented alongside key findings from legal needs research to inform an assessment of legal needs in NSW. This report is an update to our 2021 report, and uses 2021 Census data, ABS 2022 population estimates, 2023 BOCSAR crime data, 2023 NDIS data, 2022 Criminal Court data.
EXTERNAL - This report is the first of three volumes from the PULS. and explores how everyday legal problems are experienced, what people do about them and if they are resolved.
Visit the PULS website to find out more.
Designed in collaboration with the Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) unit at Legal Aid NSW, these slides present data for each of the twelve (12) CLSD regions to help inform collaborative service planning at the local level. Data is presented through maps and tables and includes counts of general population, NLAS indicators, specific priority community groups, and SEIFA. Data Packs have been updated with 2021 Census data.
The Foundation’s NLAS(Capability) and NLAS(Community) indicators have been updated with the most recent (2021) Census data, with counts available at various levels of geography. These counts provide a comparative indicator of the potential demand for not-for-profit legal assistance services across different regions of Australia. (Justice Issues 33)
Download the Excel spreadsheet containing the updated NLAS indicator counts for a range of geographic areas across all Australian states and territories.
A downloadable Excel spreadsheet providing easy access to the 2021 Census data on community groups relevant to the sector, including NLAP priority client groups.
EXTERNAL - Victoria Law Foundation has undertaken a Victoria-wide survey to understand how people see, understand, and engage with the law. This resouce is the full text and routing of the PULS questionnaire along with commentary on the theoretical background to questions, rationale for their inclusion, details of technical development, references to relevant past studies, as well as PULS showcards.
Visit the PULS website to find out more.
EXTERNAL - The SDG16 Survey initiative is a jointly developed by UNDP, UNODC, and OHCHR survey tool that measures progress on many of the survey-based indicators under SDG16. It can support data production on peace, justice, and inclusion which can help to better understand complex realities that exist as national and local levels.
See also the Implementation Manual which informs the reader abou tthe technical requirements of implementing the SDG16 Survey.