Resource Category: Service Delivery

An Analysis of Legal Aid Service Data: two jurisdictional profiles (2022)

This report is part of the National Picture Report Series and presents an analysis of Legal Aid service delivery data in New South Wales (2018-19), and the Northern Territory (2020-21).

Data Mapping Project in Victoria

EXTERNAL - Conducted by the Victoria Law Foundation, the Data Mapping Project examines how administrative data is collected and used in the Victorian civil justice system. The project explores administrative data collected in the legal assistance sector, courts and tribunals, and other dispute resolution and complaint bodies. Link will take you to the Victoria Law Foundation website.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families in Australian Coroners Courts (2021)

This report provides a sound base for reviewing culturally sensitive practices within the coronial system.  It does this by describing variations in service provision across Australian jurisdictions to characterise current practices, and by analysing key literature to guide discussion and further services development.

Law informed: The value of telephone legal information services to clients (2020)

This report is an evaluation of the provision of information and referral legal assistance services to the Victorian community, as delivered by Legal Help's telephone services.  The research assessed the value of Legal Help's information/referral services to clients in the broader context of the Victorian legal assistance sector's information and service provision.

Employment-related problems and enquiries to legal assistances services in NSW (2020)

This paper contrasts the profile of clients in service data with that from a legal needs survey on the subject of employment, to provide further insight into who is accessing legal assistance services specifically for employment problems.  (Data Insights in Justice 1)

Housing-related problems and enquiries to legal assistance services in NSW (2020)

This paper contrasts the profile of clients in service data with that from a legal needs survey on the subject of housing, to provide further insight into who is accessing legal assistance services specifically for housing problems.  (Data Insights in Justice 2)

Community Legal Centres National Picture (2020)

This report is part of the National Picture Report Series and presents an analysis of service data reported by Community Legal Centres (CLCs) through CLASS for the 2018-19 financial year.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services National Picture (2020)

This report is part of the National Picture Report Series and presents an analysis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILSs) service delivery data for the 2018-19 financial year.

Developing a triage framework: linking clients with services at Legal Aid NSW (2019)

This paper was developed to support Legal Aid NSW undertake a review of their client intake and triage services. The paper provides a conceptual basis for further investigating and developing a systematic triage service model.

Uptake of legal self-help resources: what works, for whom and for what? (2019)

This paper uses Legal Australia-Wide (LAW) Survey data to examine Australians' use of self-help resources for legal problems. It includes previously unreported measures of the helpfulness and impact of self-help resources. (Justice Issues 30)

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