Resource Category: Service Delivery

Victoria Legal Aid: Information services literature scan (2018)

The purpose of this literature scan is to locate and summarise the available research evidence on information services, with a focus on what contributes to effective legal information.

Data insights in civil justice: Land and Environment Court (2018)

This report is part of a project the Foundation undertook for the Department of Justice NSW to investigate the quality and utility of NSW civil court and tribunal data to inform policy and practice.

Data insights in civil justice: NSW Supreme Court (2018)

This report is part of a project the Foundation undertook for the Department of Justice NSW to investigate the quality and utility of NSW civil court and tribunal data to inform policy and practice.

In summary: Evaluation of the appropriateness and sustainability of Victoria Legal Aid’s Summary Crime Program (2017)

This report examines the impact of changes made in 2012-13 on the Adult Summary Crime Sub-program run by Victoria Legal Aid. The evaluation focuses on changes in the way that clients are selected for, or 'triaged', to different levels of assistance, based on their legal problem and their capacity.

Data insights in civil justice: NSW District Court (2017)

This report is part of a project the Foundation undertook for the Department of Justice NSW to investigate the quality and utility of NSW civil court and tribunal data to inform policy and practice.

Community legal education and information: model priorities and principles (2017)

This paper summarises the evidence on legal needs and effective service delivery in the context of Community Legal Education and Information (CLEI) and presents model priorities and principles that can be adapted by organisations or jurisdictions to best suit their context. (Justice Issues 25)

Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Data Packs (2016)

The Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program, managed by Legal Aid NSW, is a regionally-based approach to legal service delivery in New South Wales. The Foundation regularly produces data packs using data from the Foundation's Legal Assistance Services Data Digest, accompanied by ABS Census data. The CLSD data packs can assist with facilitating the planning and enhanced service coordination by providing an indication of 'expressed' legal need.

Data insights in civil justice: NSW Local Court (2016)

This report is part of a project the Foundation undertook for the Department of Justice NSW to investigate the quality and utility of NSW civil court and tribunal data to inform policy and practice.

Data insights in civil justice: NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (2016)

This report is part of a project the Foundation undertook for the Department of Justice NSW to investigate the quality and utility of NSW civil court and tribunal data to inform policy and practice. It is published in five parts. Overview (NCAT Part 1), Consumer and Commercial Division (NCAT Part 2), Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division & Occupational Division (NCAT Part 3), Guardianship Division (NCAT Part 4), and Appeal Panel (NCAT Part 5).

Planning legal outreach (2015)

This paper defines legal outreach and summarises different models of legal outreach service delivery. It describes the key characteristics of successful legal outreach and its benefits. (Updating Justice 45)

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