Resource Category: Service Delivery

Lawyer availability and population change in regional, rural and remote areas of New South Wales (2014)

This in-depth report is the second of two studies into the availability of lawyers in regional, rural and remote areas of NSW.

Availability of lawyers in RRR NSW: what we have learnt (2014)

This short paper summarises the key findings from two Foundation reports; Lawyer availability and population change in regional, rural and remote areas of New South Wales (2014), and Recruitment and retention of lawyers in regional, rural and remote New South Wales (2010). (Updating Justice 42)

How are legal problems finalised in Australia? (2013)

This paper summarises findings from the Legal Australia-Wide survey that examine the manner in which respondents finalise their legal probelms and whether the manner of finalisation depends on the type of problem. (Updating Justice 19).

What price justice? Income and the use of lawyers (2013)

This short paper, using Legal Australia-Wide Survey data, explores the relationship between income and the use of lawyers. (Updating Justice 31)

Review of Legal Aid NSW Outreach Legal Services: Evolving best practice in outreach - insights from experience (2013)

This report forms Stage 2 of a review of Legal Aid NSW Outreach Legal Services. It draws upon the experiences of outreach service providers and partner agencies to inform best practice in outreach.

Review of Legal Aid NSW Outreach Legal Services: Statistical overview of services (2013)

This report forms Stage 1 of a review of Legal Aid NSW Outreach Legal Services. It provides a statistical overview of outreach legal services provided by Legal Aid NSW and quantifies the assistance provided through outreach clinics for the years 2010-2012 and the types of clients assisted.

An evaluation of Legal Aid NSW's Family Law Early Intervention Unit Duty Lawyer Service (2012)

This report examines the role and impact of the Early Intervention Unity duty service at the Parramatta Family Law Courts.

Taking no action: unmet legal need in Australia? (2012)

This short paper presents findings from the Legal Australia-Wide Survey which examines whether inaction is more common for some disadvantaged groups, the reasons respondent give for their inaction, and whether respondents who take no action achieve favourable outcomes. (Updating Justice 3).

Legal assistance by video conferencing: what is known? (2011)

This paper reports on an extensive search for, and review of, existing research into the use of video conferencing to deliver legal assistance particularly to disadvantaged clients, clients in regional, rural and remote (RRR) areas and clients in custody. (Justiec Issues 15).

Managing mortgage stress: evaluation of the Legal Aid NSW and Consumer Credit Legal Centre Mortgage Hardship Service (2011)

This report presents findings from an evaluation of the Mortgage Hardship Service, a joint initiative of Legal Aid NSW and Consumer Credit Legal Centre (CCLC) which provides legal assistance and financial counselling to people experience mortgage stress.

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